

Urgent Care located in Port Jervis, NY

Immunizations services offered in Port Jervis, NY

Immunizations have been thoroughly researched, tested, and proven to protect you and your community from transmissible illnesses. At O’Connor Medical Urgent Care in Port Jervis, New York, Brandon O’Connor, MD, and the experienced team provide immunizations according to their recommended timelines. Call O’Connor Medical Urgent Care, schedule an appointment online, or walk in for your immunizations and boosters today.

What are immunizations?

Immunizations, or vaccines, are an advanced part of preventive care that wards off severe illnesses that were once far more prevalent. These preventive injections contain deactivated or partial viruses or bacteria that cause illnesses when in their full, active forms. This gives your immune system the opportunity to learn to recognize these pathogens. 

Your immune system builds components called antibodies in response to the vaccines. Those antibodies can later protect you from their corresponding illnesses. Some vaccines offer full protection, while others simply prevent severe illness and complications.

Many immunizations are available for infants and small children, and physicians encourage you to stay on track with getting them for your child. Other immunizations are available for adults or anyone who needs them. Many have just one dose, while others have several doses or boosters. 

Which immunizations are available?

O’Connor Medical Urgent Care helps you and your family members stay up to date on current immunizations to keep yourselves and your community healthy. There are currently vaccines available for the following illnesses, among others:

  • Diphtheria 
  • Whooping cough
  • Tetanus

Experts release a new vaccine for the flu annually. The flu comes from different strains of the influenza virus, so researchers must predict which strains of the virus will be most active during a given flu season. You and your family should get the annual flu shot sometime before flu season starts in the late fall. 

Are immunizations safe?

There’s been talk of safety concerns regarding vaccines, but you and your family have nothing to worry about. Vaccines are safe and well-studied, and they can stop you and your family from experiencing severe illnesses associated with viruses and bacteria that are contagious. 

Many diseases for which vaccines are available have actually been eradicated or almost eradicated from the population. This is thanks to their vaccines. While some vaccines can cause minor symptoms right after you get them, any illness you experience is mild and recoverable compared to the illness at its full, unvaccinated extent. 

Call O’Connor Medical Urgent Care or schedule an appointment online to update you or a loved one’s immunizations, or walk in for immediate care today.